The 3 Common Truths of Success

Oct 18, 2017

The road to success is rarely ever straight, flat and well-paved. In most cases it’s a long, winding, uphill trudge. However, it’s the lessons you learn along that treacherous road that give you the skills and the know-how to triumph in the end.

Here are the 3 common truths about success 

1. Success Doesn’t Come Easy

Success doesn’t come without its challenges. No matter the size of your business, the industry in which you work, or the range of services you provide, there will be obstacles along your journey to the top.

You need perseverance, determination, and tenacity. That’s why the best NBA Player of all time, Michael Jordan, said, “Don’t complain, just work harder.”

While the struggle itself can be disheartening, those who are willing to push through actually find this truth to be encouraging because their hard work will be rewarded.

2. You’ll Never Achieve Universal Acceptance

Not everyone will like every decision you make. No matter who you are, there will always be someone who disagrees with you. The real challenge isn’t in trying to win them over, it’s knowing when to cut people loose who aren’t on your team. It’s knowing you will never be liked by everyone. It’s knowing that someone, somewhere will always call you an enemy.

The challenge is knowing all that—and being ok with it.

3. Always Do Your Best

Always commit to do the best you can with the tools and knowledge you have right now. Sometimes your best is enough to win on and off the mat, sometimes it is not, but at least you will be at peace knowing you did the best you could with what you knew. Learn and grown from the experience and keep trying your best.  


You need to find your limit. Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're done. Everyone who has given your limit reached their goal. Remember: nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Be persistent and successful

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