4 of Isaque Paiva's Competition Mindset secrets

Aug 18, 2017

Photo: Carlos Arthur Jr


The CBJJ (Confederacao Brasileira de Jiu-Jitsu) ranked #3 black belt competitor, Isaque Paiva,  shares and explains 4 secrets for you to become even more mentally strong prior and during your competitions. 

Learn with Isaque below:

First: Avoid any kind of distraction. Personally, I like to arrive at the gym early. I prefer to stay quiet and watch the matches from the categories before mine. Do whatever helps you to get into your zone.

Second: If you like to listen to music prior to the matches, pick songs that help you control your adrenaline.  I listen to some gospel music, these songs help me control the anxiety before competing.

Third: Visualization is very important. Visualize the strategy for every match days ahead of the competition, picture yourself going all the way to the finals and winning. You can't underestimate anyone, even if your head is focused on the final match, everyone there is trying hard to win as well. You have to work one fight at a time, getting to the podium is a stairway, you can't skip any steps.

Fourth: The positive outcome is the result of executing daily actions consistently during the preparation for the competition. Besides the discipline and the sacrifice involved during the process of achieving your goal, you must be surrounded by positive people with great energy, and always be grateful for all the opportunities presented in your life.




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