Do not kill your dream; Get out of your comfort zone

Oct 20, 2017

It’s impossible, says pride; it’s risky, says experience; it’s pointless, says reason; it’s worth it, says your heart. A comfort zone is a lovely place, cozy and safe but nothing ever happens there. The sooner you step away from your comfort zone; the sooner you will realize that it really wasn’t all that comfortable.

Some people think the comfort zone is composed of all pleasant situations that surround us and that bring pleasure to life. It is composed of all situations, good and bad, to which we are accustomed and that describe our routine. This routine prevents us from questioning, thinking, and making decisions.

The price is too high. If you do not leave the comfort zone, you practically give up your own life, and you do not grow up. In this article, we bring three good reasons for you to do something important for yourself and start the process of getting outside your comfort zone.


1. Start small and keep going

No other word can define that first step better than magic. There is sheer magic in taking the first step even if it is a tiny one. People tend to wait for certainty and safety before taking action and some of us don’t make a move until we go through every possible outcome a hundred times. 

>> 2. Prepare, prepare, prepare.

"Hard work is the root of self-confidence". Preparation gives you the go-to instinctual response you need when the fear and anxiety kick in. When you know you prepared yourself well and you did everything you could to be ready for your task, your confidence goes up. 

>> 3.  Allow yourself to be vulnerable.

You can play it safe and always do the predictable thing  or you can push the envelope and go for maximal growth. Moving out of your comfort zone is bound to make you feel a little exposed and that’s a crucial part of the process.


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