EP 22 - Macro Patience Micro Speed | Adaptogen Science CEO Viktor DoriaπŸŽ™

Oct 21, 2018

Viktor is a 4thDegree black belt in jiu-jitsu and he is the co-founder and Vice President of Adaptogen Science, a sports supplement company. He won the Masters World Championship in 2016 & 2017 along with winning double gold medal at the Pan Am Championships in 2018.

Viktor talked about the importance of resilience, his concept that if you're not struggling something is wrong and  he also shared the concept of Macro Patience Micro Speed made popular by the entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk.

Check out my Final Thoughts from the interview at  1:09:47 where I share my takeaways and teach personal development.

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Enjoy the podcast! OSS!

Gustavo Dantas

Listen to the episode at:

The BJJ Mental Coach Website - https://tinyurl.com/yaufj287

Itunes - https://tinyurl.com/y9rbmtdc

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Stitcher - https://tinyurl.com/y7mq2hb6


Adaptogen Science 

Instagram - @viktordoria


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