EP3 - The morning rituals of successful entrepreneurs | Former UFC Fighter Tim Credeur🎙

Jun 07, 2018

In this Episode 03 you will hear the interview with the former UFC fighter Tim Credeur. Tim is a successful entrepreneur, consultant and the owner of seven gyms in Louisiana.

Subscribe to www.thebjjmentalcoachpodcast.comand receive for FREE the e-book version of my book “Launching your BJJ Competition Journey after 30” 10 Steps to maximize your tournament experience. It’s also available on amazon.com for $14.95 and you can get for free when you subscribe to our website.

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Enjoy the podcast! OSS!

Gustavo Dantas

Tim Creudeur at The BJJ Mental Coach Podcast


Stitcher Radio


Tim Creudeur

4:45 Intro to BJJ

10:02 How BJJ relate to life

14:22 When did you have that spark and mindset?

19:00 What made you flip the switch?

22:15 Importance of morning rituals

44:12 Struggles in the entrepreneurial journey

46:57 When did you flip the switch?

55:00 Best advice ever received

56:55 What advice would you give to younger self

58:28 Recommended book

01:00:40 What are you excited about?

01:05:25 Gustavo’s final thoughts

How to connect with Tim Credeur:





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