EP 14 - Turning The Negative Into a Positive | AFP Marketing Director Mikey GomezπŸŽ™

Aug 27, 2018

Mikey Gomez is a black from Gracie Barra, an entrepreneur and Marketing Director at Axianta Financial Partners. A former MMA fighter with over thirty fights, today Mikey is a leader and a motivational speaker who is passionate about helping his community.

Check out my Final Thoughts from the interview at 36:28 where I share my take aways and teach personal development.

Subscribe to www.thebjjmentalcoach.comand receive for FREE the audio to download and watch the videos of the “Top 10 Mental Mistakes BJJ Competitors make and how to avoid them.”

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Enjoy the podcast! OSS!

Gustavo Dantas

The BJJ Mental Coach Podcast Website
Google Play


Mike Gomez

Instagram - @mikeygomezgb 
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/mikeyafp

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