Why do some people not succeed?

Oct 09, 2017

What does success mean to you? Everyone has their own interpretation of what success is and what it takes to succeed in any area of life, you can agree that the word COMMITMENT is involved in anything meaningful you want to achieve in life.

"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor." Vince Lombardi

The commitment to be the best you can be, with the tools and knowledge you have right now, is a great attitude to apply in jiu-jitsu and life. The greater your commitment, the greater your positive outcome.

Every success has its price: Hard work, sacrifice and perseverance . You must be fully committed to your goal to improve the odds of achieving the success you desire.

This video is long but worth every minute, especially if you are looking for inspiration to keep moving forward.


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